I'm curious, if you look at the video again, and now all the photos on line of T with his fist up in the air and the SS around him, his arm, chest, head, neck are all fully exposed, why? And, in the video audio of the event, he said "let me grab my shoes" before they helped him up, why? One of the agents could've grabbed his shoes and then they quickly ran him of the stage. They also, allowed him to get them to stop, so he could have the perfect photo op of him 3x fist bumping and yelling "fight, fight, fight". Why?
The one previous situation like this he was on a stage, and they immediately ran him off the stage. Why was this different?
I've thought for one, he will not listen to anyone, so he would not allow him to immediately be run off the stage. I read on a substack on that day, that the shooter hit the teleprompter and it was shattered glass that hit him in the ear, not a bullet. Yet, since then and with his followers then and still now, "someone tried to kill our President."
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I have also been thinking, was the shooter paid to be a martyr for T, and martyr T also? Now, or right before the election? Was the shooter that bad a marksman he missed and hit the teleprompter instead? My husband, tongue in cheek, said, he should spend more time at the shooting range (he was a fire arms instructor). A caveat, even sharpshooters can miss their mark.
We know this 20 yo kid knew he'd be shot, probably killed. I do not believe he had a death wish. I feel it was something else. Fortunately the FBI are now saying T was hit by glass from the shattered teleprompter, as I first read on Friday.
If, if, there is more behind the scenes about this event, and the man/father who was killed by the stray bullet, and the other two men who are in critical condition, can T be held indirectly responsible? The shooter is reported to be an R (reportedly donated $15 to ActBlue in 2019) who voted a R ticket in 2022. I have yet to see RW media comment on that fact, that this was a firearm supporter (his t-shirt) and a Republican.
Will his father be held liable for his son using his, even legally registered AR-15?
Will all the R Congresspersons who immediately came out and blamed President Biden, and the media for this shooting, retract or apologize to President Biden?
Those on stage, didn't run, leave, they just stayed, why? There were attendees who saw and reported the shooter before he started shooting, but didn't stop him from shooting, why?
This inquiring mind is still curious about all the events that led up to what happened on Saturday, July 13, 2024.
Biden could win by 110%, and Lord knows I want him to, and the Republicans will still try to pull something. Hopefully our defenders in uniform will immediately put down whatever violence Donald’s maggats will start to force on our country. But I think a healthy number of would-be violent protesters will think of the thousands of criminals who destroyed our capital, pleaded guilty, and are now rotting in prison… And possibly think twice. Maybe some of them will grow a pair, get smart, and realize that their family their home life their job their own life is not worth sacrificing to break heads and break windows for Trump, who never gave a fuck about them anyway. at some point meal soon, they’ll have to understand that for their own preservation.
Yeah, actually any "unofficial duties" that any judge rules are and not "official", Ts lawyers will appeal, it'll end up with the SCROTUS6 and they'll overrule any judge that tried/tries to rule any said actions were "unofficial". He can, and forever more to do whatever the hell he wants
With all due respect, you should think about becoming a secret service agent because you’re already smarter than the ones we all watched. As to some of the why’s, because IMO most Trump supporters are privileged & dumber than door nails & they believe that they will be believed & action will immediately be taken if they tell law enforcement there is a shooter.
In my city law enforcement is so scared of the homeless encampment, they won’t even venture into the woods when the homeless rob folks. It’s pretty much a town joke at this point.
I’m only here for my son who is going to UA. Trust me was not where I thought he would choose out of all 17 colleges we toured. The heat is crazy but I love the winter
I agree on all Of that. No the congressman won’t apologize.
No the father
May not be held accountable as the guy was 20. But he killed People And took the gun. So maybe. Dictators ramp up
When things don’t work anymore. No doubt Trump planned this. But the fact no shooters on that roof is weird for sure. Biden was getting all the attention. Trump was starved.
That's an interesting hypothesis, DeeDee...Biden was getting attention and Trump was starved. I wouldn't put anything past him when it comes to his desperate need to be front and center at all times. No one else can be experienced as getting attention without that triggering instantaneous envy and narcissistic rage. I don't usually think like this but how many people would have had to have been in on the plan to make this happen? And who could find a kid who would do this?
A kid who worshiped Trump as much as this kid did. He'd have done anything for him. I'm sure Trump promised him a good lawyer. Isn't that what he promises everybody? They knew all about the kid. They found out that the maggots are finding out where all the guns in the country are just like Hitler did before he took them all away. It turns out the maggots know a lot about this family. They're keeping a gun ownership database. I don't know about CNN but I've been reading this stuff all day. I don't do CNN or fox or MSNBC or any of those people. The real news of the day is Biden has covid
Charna, do you know for a fact that they somehow found this kid and promised him the moon to stage this near miss? How do you explain the fact that a man seated in the front was killed protecting his family, and two others were injured? Do we know whether they were all hit by real bullets?
I don’t put ANYTHING past TFG but I’m still trying to square these various theories. Thank you!
Let's be realistic. The only one who knows the truth is the Dead Guy and they waited till after he shot up the place before they arrested him when they knew about him for over an hour. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If somebody's not reacting right you need to reconsider the action
I think this is what everybody needs to know is that Hitler did this very same thing and found out where all the guns were so he could take them away, cuz you can't have a fascist society when your citizens own guns. The Sweep of the country for immigrants is not about immigrants it's about their new government and in their new government you're not allowed to own guns or land, just people. Only oligarch's can own such things.
What I know is just very suspicious the rest was my thoughts. I do know they're keeping a gun owner database and they knew exactly who the family was before the kid showed up at the rally. They know who all the gun owners are. According to ex-classmates he didn't get on the rifle team in high school cuz he was a really bad shot. Obviously the dead guy got a real bullet, but when a bullet busted up the teleprompter it's a possibility that Trump only got hit with glass. Nobody knows for sure because there's no doctor report and he's got his ear covered. One thing I do know, it's all very suspicious and I will not vote for somebody creating that kind of Chaos
Right, or somebody who stirs up violence then, sadistically, enjoys watching it on TV, assaults women, has committed a zillion crimes, doesn't acknowledge when he loses an election and gaslights the country with grandiose delusions that it was stolen...Yeah, there are a few reasons not to vote for this guy!
10 days in hiding, Corinne? Can you explain what you mean? You think other people planned this, like his sons and Stephen Miller, or something, and kept it from Trump so he would act naturally?
I think it was totally staged. Remember When Trump hid in a bunker? There is no way that man would react to a bullet hitting him the way he did. The reason he didn't go into the military is cuz he's a wimp and there is no other reason. Besides, they knew the gunman was there and they waited over a half an hour before taking him down. They were obviously not allowed to take him down before he did the shooting. After all climbing up and down buildings trying to find the right one is normal at all rallies isn't it?
I'm with you on this one I was thinking the same thing it just looks like he knew that something was coming and we all know he has the followers to be so blind to what he really is about and he would like to be remembered he doesn't care what he's remembered for as long as he goes down in history. What better way then an attempted assassination I even said that to my partner but he just waved me off why is it so hard for some people to think awe he would do that why would he he's done a whole lot worse then that I'm sure you can't become rich in New York real estate with doing some real shady stuff can you ......???
I learned on another page the gunman was kicked out of firearm school because he was so bad. Also, it has been documented that the person who gave money to Act Blue was an older man with the same name.
Oh...that's interesting. Thanks, Diana. Does anybody know about his relationship with his parents? Just wondering...often kids who grow up silently hurt and enraged at how they're treated by their parents, displace that rage onto other kids in school shootings or on other unarmed people. :(
I believe Act Blue has confirmed that the shooter was the contributor, but no one knows why he did this. I'm a little surprised they would take money from a minor. This donation seems out of sync with what else we know about him.
I'm not sure how the timeline works right here, but there was a cop who went and saw him 30 minutes before the shooting ever happened. I heard he got a photo of him. And people saw him get up on the roof with a gun in his hand long before he took the first shot. They reported it and were ignored. That's what the guy who seem to be the one who first saw him, said. I think that's when the cop got his photo, cuz I read both those things happened about 30 minutes before the actual shooting. I also heard he kept switching roofs. That takes time
BUT WHY IS HE SHOOTING THEIR "SAVIOR" in the first place?? It makes ZERO sense! This is the oldest play in the republican play book! A patsy, a patsy, and the Manchurian canidate! Just Vote blue!✌️💙
To martyr himself, and to martyr DJT. I surmise, he didn't like the way the recent news reporting of T and Epstein, all the court cases, convictions, and to change the narrative. I think he was smarter than everyone makes him out to be. And I don't it was a 20yo "depressed". He had an ulterior motive, though he neglected to think of his family.
The guy that was killed by the bullet or bullets didn't deserve to die. And the two ppl that got injured weren't supposed to get injured either. Does he care about anyone but himself. But he attended T-time for golf the next morning.
Trump has a loss of sensitivity to the nerve endings of his ears because, he hasn’t use his ears to listen to anyone else but himself for such a goddamn long time.
Just to let you know, Trump's hero, Hitler, kind of have the exact same thing happened to him when they tried to bomb him and assassinate his ass. It left him half deaf and a bandaged right ear
He's been mimicking Hitler and doing it more and more, but they're really doing what Hitler did. He no doubt found pride in being called America's Hitler by Vance, which is probably why he got picked. Trump's love for Hitler is idolizing and he's proud to be compared
I don't believe Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump. I also don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot at Kennedy. Kennedy was actually assassinated by two men on the grassy knoll who sped away in a car. Trump's was a false assassination attempt designed to create a victim image for Trump. Someone had to die, just as Oswald had to die. Thomas Matthew Crooks was a patsy.
I would have to agree with you! And Reagan was only shot to impress Jodi Foster! How someone could think that would impress anyone is beyond me but there ya have it! Biden & Harris MUST WIN AGAIN! ✌️💙
Call From Biden because the husband wouldnt like it. Trump HAS NOT called her. He’s racist and said Gaza will get over it because Japan did. No sympathy from
Bad analogy. Ruby and Oswald were part of the Civil Air Patrol. Oswald had to die cuz he had a mouth. The firefighter had nothing to do with it. I don't know if Crooks was a patsy as much as he was hired. Did you hear about the gun owner database the maggots are creating? They're coming for your guns
And by the way my comment about guns is absolutely true. History is repeating itself. it's exactly what Hitler did To get Germans guns. He didn't have the tech To keep a database per se but he did the exact same thing. he found out where all the guns were then went and took them away Without our Constitution That's exactly what Trump will do
Your point of view is limited. Oswald had to die because he would have exposed the details of the conspiracy's recruitment of him. Many people had to die in Texas that had nothing to do with the assassination. The policeman who drove his three-wheeler up the grassy knoll for example. I agree the firefighter was tragically sitting in the wrong seat at the wrong time. He paid with his life for attending the Felon's rally. I have no guns, and your comment about guns makes me wonder if you are a Russian disinformation spreader.
I'm not a Russian anything. I'm an American. I'm related to people who Were once Russians. They got kicked Out Of Russia at the turn of the 20th century Like all Jews did. It's what's gonna happen in the U.S If Trump gets the power
Thank you for the clarification. The Felon is evil. We agree on that. The Felon is not going to kick Jews out of the U.S. He's advocating for kicking out all Mexicans and other latinos. I detest The Felon. I also detest all the people who support him.
I'm still waiting on some footage of ANYBODY being shot at that sticks their head back up, while we can still hear bullets and defiantly shakes his fist in the air saying "fight" !! DonCon is the very first!? C'mon!!🤣😂🤪
so kris, i hate trump completely — i also love facts and accuracy. he did NOT stick his head up while shots were fired. he was on the ground and the SS was on top of him/around him immediately after the shots were fired. then, the SS was told the shooter was down/killed before they let trump get up. now, once he’s up, he, being the showman he is and knowing the shooter is down, decides to make a photo op of the situation and ask for his shoes. the SS, who all seemed confused and are probably also bullied by him on a daily basis, didn’t do their job and keep him low and covered, but honestly, i’d be surprised if they could make him do anything, esp. if he was adrenalized from the event. so he got his photo op, didn’t even seem to ask or care if anyone else was injured (they were, we know), and then they got him into the car. IMO the bullet passed near his ear and the velocity of the bullet tore a little of the skin off. IMO the bullet did not actually touch his ear or there would have been a lot more injured tissue. the local police and SS totally screwed up by failing to track the shooter prior to the event, and as a result one person died, and two were seriously injured (we never hear a word about them). trump was lucky, and no doubt took it at the time as a sign of how great he is. he is a malignant narcissist and due to his mental issues is unfit to lead any company, much less the country.
I have rewatches and you are right , could not hear bullets flying when he was popping his head up and extending his fist in the air saying "fight"! It was before he made it all the way off stage & safety of his suburban... either way I don't believe he thought his life was ever in danger... Thanx for keeping the record straight! ✌️🌊🤍❤️
his personality disorder screws up his reactions to everything. he’s not normal no matter what happens to or near him. check out dr bandy lee on youtube. she’s a psychologist that’s been writing and talking about him for years. we are witnessing his implosion.
More to the point from Trump's view, this gets rid of the Epstein files and Project 2025 and makes him a hero and potential martyr. We need to keep beating him over the head with Epstein and Project 2025. Tell the MAGAs that once Trump's in office after the first 6 months, they'll know they have to watch what they say, to whom, and look over their shoulders to see if anyone is following him. Make them scared to death of him.
There's some crazy f****** women out there who want men to control their every move and just cuz it's not happening right now because of the Constitution that'll be over if Trump gets in. They plan to get rid of divorce
Here's my take on the current atmosphere which gets worse and worse as the days go by. We have one candidate who can do nothing but tell scurrilous lies and smears, we have a supreme court (sic) in which all 6 "conservative justices" must be bounced, not just Thomas and Alito, we have Circuit Courts that are every bit as bad as Cannon and the supremes (sic), we have a majority of states run by the GOP so if another vote is too tight to prove Biden won, we have multiple layers of top actors who stand ready, willing and able to turn the election over to Trump/Vance and seal our fate.
Yes, an indefinite number of evangelicals are so bollixed up in their hatred of the gay, the trans, the feminist and the poor who have, indeed, decided that God has chosen Trump as their Jesus. I live among them. In cases such as this, we pursue the leaders of our 3 federal and state branches of government and beat them to death with Project 2025 and Epstein and some of those now disaffected will at least refuse to vote for Trump. What we aim for are the Independents and Republicans who somehow rise above their primary goal of getting another tax cut every year.
There's no reason not to go after the scared evangelicals and try to deprogram them. Go ahead. I have no qualms about that. But that's not my specialty. In my book, we go after the hyenas running that party in each of the branches, all the federal and state governments. Cut off the heads and get rid of them. Beat them to death with their own malice they've mistakenly bragged about and now try to play nice as if they mean that. They don't mean that. That's just another ruse to fool the fools.
YW, other ppl might not have understood what you meant either. I felt the same way as many of my friends did, phew, stopping of insistent #dropoutJoe rhetoric!
I’ve been around shooters (law enforcement officers) for over 50 years, we all wondered about the possibility of a bullet the size & possible caliber hitting the area where it did.
i hate trump, but when i looked into the alleged golf photo, it was from a year or two prior, and he did not play golf the day after the shooting. see this for how misinformation gets spread. we need to be better about this, i know it’s hard and time consuming, but we have to check facts when they seem odd, or AMAZING. https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/07/17/trump-golf-assassination/
A tempting theory as always when things get too tricky to understand. And what was spoken during his meeting with Orban just days ago? I can see how such iconic photo just seems too staged to be believed especially when the victim golfs the next day. It would surely have helped if he would have been examined by an independent medical team.
Trump would never allow an independent team to examine him. He doesn’t want anybody outside of his tight circle to know anything that could betray him.
looking at him on the screen right now at the convention, he looks tranquilized.. His face has never been so relaxed, in complete repose, have never seen him like this
in the last eight years. He has a natural and very calm smile, he is not acting like he always does on stage. He looks tranquilized.
He seems off. He doesn’t want to be there. He doesn’t want to do this. He doesn’t have to now because he was only running to stay out of prison. Hey they should tell
he could have been on meds, and also, after a traumatic event it’s normal for people to have an altered sense of themselves, of life, things can be surreal, being alive is blissful if you’ve just almost died. i was nearly hit by a freight train while in my car, unaware i was on a train track, stopped behind another car waiting at a stoplight. i was playing the radio really loud, windows up so didn’t hear the warning horn. i glanced up, saw the train bearing down, backed up, broke the crossing gate, stopped, the train roared past me. it was surreal, ,i though surely i was dead, i stopped at a local history museum just to see if the people there could see me, to see if i was alive or a ghost. the day after this event was the strangest in my life. obviously i didn’t die that day, but it was just seconds away. i was hoping trump would get a wake up call and change, but he’s mentally ill so he can’t change even when almost killed. he is unfit for office.
completely agree with this comment, he looks totally tranquilized. Falling asleep at the convention every night, I took pictures from the TV. He was not His usual bombastic Accusatory self. And right, he never ever let anyone see his medical records because he’s hiding things. He has lots to hide and I think they’re hiding some thing about this “attack” on him.
Not trying to spread any misguided information. I truly don’t have any information other than what we all saw but it instantly didn’t make sense how casually trump, the crowd and even the security people seemed to be reacting.. I guess I can understand, in a moment of confusion and trauma you might ask about your shoes ( why did he have his shoes off) but the secret service, there were lots of them, if there’s a shooter, maybe more than one, don’t you force him off the stage, keep him low… rush the audience off to safety.. people just lingered then wandered off! How did they know the damage had passed? Why would they just assume that? It’s just odd behavior
Moreover, Lumpy45 showing us photos of his booboo’ dear in all its injurious glory? That is his style but it’s all mum and hell.
Weeks passed and after 8 days, his ear shows no sign of injury, bruising, redness etc. I’m thinking he getting hit was the accident of the staging. The one dead, 3 injured were the ‘broke eggs’ used to make this rancid omelette. It’s not like Lumpy45 cares if anyone dies for his benefit.
It’s sure seems interesting that he didn’t get the bump in points after or after the RNC.
He’s mostly hit his ceiling.
But we won’t know until November how high the blue wave will creat over Lumps. I just know his daily behavior adds inches each time he is crude and dotarded.
If we’re worried that no one will be talking about P25 we can try to affect that phenomenon. This is why everyone with a public platform to the masses must keep circulating (the now rebranded) DONALD TRUMP’S PROJECT 2025, so it is associated with him and it doesn’t get buried. We mustn’t become them, but we can throw the gloves off, use their playbook to change the narrative out there and make sure we keep talking about it. If you had one last chance to do something to save Democracy what would you do? Do whatever you can to get the word out!
Cuz he had to focus on breaking the blood pack that he had tucked in the MAGA hat. It’s why he did let the MAGA hat go! Didn’t want to drop it and anyone not MAGA find the Hollywood blood pack in the seam of the hat.
Late to the party but immediately I thought of his relationship to Hulk Hogan which we know is a talented wrestler with 4 decades of convincing a crowd that he is bleeding.
it seems an awful lot of people think this was a set up. I wouldn’t put it past him. The reactions of everyone around him shows that it wasn’t a complete shock and surprise to anyone. Well, those people at the Democratic convention wearing a clause patch on their ear will feel like fools when it comes out that Trump engineered the whole thing.
You mean Republican convention and I doubt they have or will have shame. After all they are two general election votes in on this creep. They are fully invested!
I'm curious, if you look at the video again, and now all the photos on line of T with his fist up in the air and the SS around him, his arm, chest, head, neck are all fully exposed, why? And, in the video audio of the event, he said "let me grab my shoes" before they helped him up, why? One of the agents could've grabbed his shoes and then they quickly ran him of the stage. They also, allowed him to get them to stop, so he could have the perfect photo op of him 3x fist bumping and yelling "fight, fight, fight". Why?
The one previous situation like this he was on a stage, and they immediately ran him off the stage. Why was this different?
I've thought for one, he will not listen to anyone, so he would not allow him to immediately be run off the stage. I read on a substack on that day, that the shooter hit the teleprompter and it was shattered glass that hit him in the ear, not a bullet. Yet, since then and with his followers then and still now, "someone tried to kill our President."
I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I have also been thinking, was the shooter paid to be a martyr for T, and martyr T also? Now, or right before the election? Was the shooter that bad a marksman he missed and hit the teleprompter instead? My husband, tongue in cheek, said, he should spend more time at the shooting range (he was a fire arms instructor). A caveat, even sharpshooters can miss their mark.
We know this 20 yo kid knew he'd be shot, probably killed. I do not believe he had a death wish. I feel it was something else. Fortunately the FBI are now saying T was hit by glass from the shattered teleprompter, as I first read on Friday.
If, if, there is more behind the scenes about this event, and the man/father who was killed by the stray bullet, and the other two men who are in critical condition, can T be held indirectly responsible? The shooter is reported to be an R (reportedly donated $15 to ActBlue in 2019) who voted a R ticket in 2022. I have yet to see RW media comment on that fact, that this was a firearm supporter (his t-shirt) and a Republican.
Will his father be held liable for his son using his, even legally registered AR-15?
Will all the R Congresspersons who immediately came out and blamed President Biden, and the media for this shooting, retract or apologize to President Biden?
Those on stage, didn't run, leave, they just stayed, why? There were attendees who saw and reported the shooter before he started shooting, but didn't stop him from shooting, why?
This inquiring mind is still curious about all the events that led up to what happened on Saturday, July 13, 2024.
Me. And now that chump has immunity from prosecution, he can do whatever the hell he wants. Official duties my ass.
Not when Biden wins! And he needs to win by a landslide so there's no question about who won! And don't miss your state elections! ✌️💙
Biden could win by 110%, and Lord knows I want him to, and the Republicans will still try to pull something. Hopefully our defenders in uniform will immediately put down whatever violence Donald’s maggats will start to force on our country. But I think a healthy number of would-be violent protesters will think of the thousands of criminals who destroyed our capital, pleaded guilty, and are now rotting in prison… And possibly think twice. Maybe some of them will grow a pair, get smart, and realize that their family their home life their job their own life is not worth sacrificing to break heads and break windows for Trump, who never gave a fuck about them anyway. at some point meal soon, they’ll have to understand that for their own preservation.
Yeah, actually any "unofficial duties" that any judge rules are and not "official", Ts lawyers will appeal, it'll end up with the SCROTUS6 and they'll overrule any judge that tried/tries to rule any said actions were "unofficial". He can, and forever more to do whatever the hell he wants
Vote blue in your county elections, they are just as important vote vote vote!!!
Just have to keep him out of the WH and then immunity won’t matter. I’m
Convinced now if he sees one trial we will be lucky. He will Be long gone before any happen I think now.
With all due respect, you should think about becoming a secret service agent because you’re already smarter than the ones we all watched. As to some of the why’s, because IMO most Trump supporters are privileged & dumber than door nails & they believe that they will be believed & action will immediately be taken if they tell law enforcement there is a shooter.
In my city law enforcement is so scared of the homeless encampment, they won’t even venture into the woods when the homeless rob folks. It’s pretty much a town joke at this point.
And I should let you know I live in a red state. Mississippi.
Hey neighbor I’m in Bama western area
I’m only here for my son who is going to UA. Trust me was not where I thought he would choose out of all 17 colleges we toured. The heat is crazy but I love the winter
I agree on all Of that. No the congressman won’t apologize.
No the father
May not be held accountable as the guy was 20. But he killed People And took the gun. So maybe. Dictators ramp up
When things don’t work anymore. No doubt Trump planned this. But the fact no shooters on that roof is weird for sure. Biden was getting all the attention. Trump was starved.
That's an interesting hypothesis, DeeDee...Biden was getting attention and Trump was starved. I wouldn't put anything past him when it comes to his desperate need to be front and center at all times. No one else can be experienced as getting attention without that triggering instantaneous envy and narcissistic rage. I don't usually think like this but how many people would have had to have been in on the plan to make this happen? And who could find a kid who would do this?
A kid who worshiped Trump as much as this kid did. He'd have done anything for him. I'm sure Trump promised him a good lawyer. Isn't that what he promises everybody? They knew all about the kid. They found out that the maggots are finding out where all the guns in the country are just like Hitler did before he took them all away. It turns out the maggots know a lot about this family. They're keeping a gun ownership database. I don't know about CNN but I've been reading this stuff all day. I don't do CNN or fox or MSNBC or any of those people. The real news of the day is Biden has covid
Charna, do you know for a fact that they somehow found this kid and promised him the moon to stage this near miss? How do you explain the fact that a man seated in the front was killed protecting his family, and two others were injured? Do we know whether they were all hit by real bullets?
I don’t put ANYTHING past TFG but I’m still trying to square these various theories. Thank you!
Let's be realistic. The only one who knows the truth is the Dead Guy and they waited till after he shot up the place before they arrested him when they knew about him for over an hour. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If somebody's not reacting right you need to reconsider the action
Sorry, I should have said killed, not arrested. They could have arrested him but then he'd be alive and the game would be over
I think this is what everybody needs to know is that Hitler did this very same thing and found out where all the guns were so he could take them away, cuz you can't have a fascist society when your citizens own guns. The Sweep of the country for immigrants is not about immigrants it's about their new government and in their new government you're not allowed to own guns or land, just people. Only oligarch's can own such things.
What I know is just very suspicious the rest was my thoughts. I do know they're keeping a gun owner database and they knew exactly who the family was before the kid showed up at the rally. They know who all the gun owners are. According to ex-classmates he didn't get on the rifle team in high school cuz he was a really bad shot. Obviously the dead guy got a real bullet, but when a bullet busted up the teleprompter it's a possibility that Trump only got hit with glass. Nobody knows for sure because there's no doctor report and he's got his ear covered. One thing I do know, it's all very suspicious and I will not vote for somebody creating that kind of Chaos
Right, or somebody who stirs up violence then, sadistically, enjoys watching it on TV, assaults women, has committed a zillion crimes, doesn't acknowledge when he loses an election and gaslights the country with grandiose delusions that it was stolen...Yeah, there are a few reasons not to vote for this guy!
On the right wing platforms. Someone got in his ear and promised him something.
10 days in hiding, Corinne? Can you explain what you mean? You think other people planned this, like his sons and Stephen Miller, or something, and kept it from Trump so he would act naturally?
No not that faction. And yea he was 10 Days off the trail
This is so much deeper then anyone will ever Realize
There is no way. No way…. The SS just capitulated. Nope.
News max and others has been planning this for a few years
I think it was totally staged. Remember When Trump hid in a bunker? There is no way that man would react to a bullet hitting him the way he did. The reason he didn't go into the military is cuz he's a wimp and there is no other reason. Besides, they knew the gunman was there and they waited over a half an hour before taking him down. They were obviously not allowed to take him down before he did the shooting. After all climbing up and down buildings trying to find the right one is normal at all rallies isn't it?
I'm with you on this one I was thinking the same thing it just looks like he knew that something was coming and we all know he has the followers to be so blind to what he really is about and he would like to be remembered he doesn't care what he's remembered for as long as he goes down in history. What better way then an attempted assassination I even said that to my partner but he just waved me off why is it so hard for some people to think awe he would do that why would he he's done a whole lot worse then that I'm sure you can't become rich in New York real estate with doing some real shady stuff can you ......???
And in his speech he talks about his hand being full of blood. Did he forget he had his fist in the air . . . No blood that I could see.
I learned on another page the gunman was kicked out of firearm school because he was so bad. Also, it has been documented that the person who gave money to Act Blue was an older man with the same name.
Oh...that's interesting. Thanks, Diana. Does anybody know about his relationship with his parents? Just wondering...often kids who grow up silently hurt and enraged at how they're treated by their parents, displace that rage onto other kids in school shootings or on other unarmed people. :(
I believe Act Blue has confirmed that the shooter was the contributor, but no one knows why he did this. I'm a little surprised they would take money from a minor. This donation seems out of sync with what else we know about him.
send this to all the news outlets and insist that they report on it
I'm not sure how the timeline works right here, but there was a cop who went and saw him 30 minutes before the shooting ever happened. I heard he got a photo of him. And people saw him get up on the roof with a gun in his hand long before he took the first shot. They reported it and were ignored. That's what the guy who seem to be the one who first saw him, said. I think that's when the cop got his photo, cuz I read both those things happened about 30 minutes before the actual shooting. I also heard he kept switching roofs. That takes time
They knew the shooter was there and they took him out immediately.
BUT WHY IS HE SHOOTING THEIR "SAVIOR" in the first place?? It makes ZERO sense! This is the oldest play in the republican play book! A patsy, a patsy, and the Manchurian canidate! Just Vote blue!✌️💙
To martyr himself, and to martyr DJT. I surmise, he didn't like the way the recent news reporting of T and Epstein, all the court cases, convictions, and to change the narrative. I think he was smarter than everyone makes him out to be. And I don't it was a 20yo "depressed". He had an ulterior motive, though he neglected to think of his family.
Me too. Honestly 🙋🏼♀️
The guy that was killed by the bullet or bullets didn't deserve to die. And the two ppl that got injured weren't supposed to get injured either. Does he care about anyone but himself. But he attended T-time for golf the next morning.
right... especially a 20 year old conservative republican! He even had a scope on the sniper rifle! C'mon🙄 I do not buy it!
It’s an obvious answer:
Trump has a loss of sensitivity to the nerve endings of his ears because, he hasn’t use his ears to listen to anyone else but himself for such a goddamn long time.
*sprays coffee*
💯🔥😂 and there ya’ have it. The truth can be funny.
Just to let you know, Trump's hero, Hitler, kind of have the exact same thing happened to him when they tried to bomb him and assassinate his ass. It left him half deaf and a bandaged right ear
He's been mimicking Hitler and doing it more and more, but they're really doing what Hitler did. He no doubt found pride in being called America's Hitler by Vance, which is probably why he got picked. Trump's love for Hitler is idolizing and he's proud to be compared
Haha! :D
I don't believe Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump. I also don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald shot at Kennedy. Kennedy was actually assassinated by two men on the grassy knoll who sped away in a car. Trump's was a false assassination attempt designed to create a victim image for Trump. Someone had to die, just as Oswald had to die. Thomas Matthew Crooks was a patsy.
It’s a Wag the Dog!!
I would have to agree with you! And Reagan was only shot to impress Jodi Foster! How someone could think that would impress anyone is beyond me but there ya have it! Biden & Harris MUST WIN AGAIN! ✌️💙
Murderers like Trump and the guy who shot Reagan are exactly the same. That's why Trump has no sociability
Yup and the dude that died was such a cult
Member his wife won’t take a
Call From Biden because the husband wouldnt like it. Trump HAS NOT called her. He’s racist and said Gaza will get over it because Japan did. No sympathy from
Me at this point.
But he used him as a prop at the convention, with his freaky helmet kiss. Why don't people see how creepy he is?
I am actually beginning to believe you- nothing adds up
Thank you for starting to believe me.
Unless you were talking about Crooks having to die. That was a given
Bad analogy. Ruby and Oswald were part of the Civil Air Patrol. Oswald had to die cuz he had a mouth. The firefighter had nothing to do with it. I don't know if Crooks was a patsy as much as he was hired. Did you hear about the gun owner database the maggots are creating? They're coming for your guns
And by the way my comment about guns is absolutely true. History is repeating itself. it's exactly what Hitler did To get Germans guns. He didn't have the tech To keep a database per se but he did the exact same thing. he found out where all the guns were then went and took them away Without our Constitution That's exactly what Trump will do
Your point of view is limited. Oswald had to die because he would have exposed the details of the conspiracy's recruitment of him. Many people had to die in Texas that had nothing to do with the assassination. The policeman who drove his three-wheeler up the grassy knoll for example. I agree the firefighter was tragically sitting in the wrong seat at the wrong time. He paid with his life for attending the Felon's rally. I have no guns, and your comment about guns makes me wonder if you are a Russian disinformation spreader.
I'm not a Russian anything. I'm an American. I'm related to people who Were once Russians. They got kicked Out Of Russia at the turn of the 20th century Like all Jews did. It's what's gonna happen in the U.S If Trump gets the power
Thank you for the clarification. The Felon is evil. We agree on that. The Felon is not going to kick Jews out of the U.S. He's advocating for kicking out all Mexicans and other latinos. I detest The Felon. I also detest all the people who support him.
Totally agree
Yup. Add everything up. Accumulated factors reveal truth.
Don the Con.
I'm still waiting on some footage of ANYBODY being shot at that sticks their head back up, while we can still hear bullets and defiantly shakes his fist in the air saying "fight" !! DonCon is the very first!? C'mon!!🤣😂🤪
so kris, i hate trump completely — i also love facts and accuracy. he did NOT stick his head up while shots were fired. he was on the ground and the SS was on top of him/around him immediately after the shots were fired. then, the SS was told the shooter was down/killed before they let trump get up. now, once he’s up, he, being the showman he is and knowing the shooter is down, decides to make a photo op of the situation and ask for his shoes. the SS, who all seemed confused and are probably also bullied by him on a daily basis, didn’t do their job and keep him low and covered, but honestly, i’d be surprised if they could make him do anything, esp. if he was adrenalized from the event. so he got his photo op, didn’t even seem to ask or care if anyone else was injured (they were, we know), and then they got him into the car. IMO the bullet passed near his ear and the velocity of the bullet tore a little of the skin off. IMO the bullet did not actually touch his ear or there would have been a lot more injured tissue. the local police and SS totally screwed up by failing to track the shooter prior to the event, and as a result one person died, and two were seriously injured (we never hear a word about them). trump was lucky, and no doubt took it at the time as a sign of how great he is. he is a malignant narcissist and due to his mental issues is unfit to lead any company, much less the country.
I have rewatches and you are right , could not hear bullets flying when he was popping his head up and extending his fist in the air saying "fight"! It was before he made it all the way off stage & safety of his suburban... either way I don't believe he thought his life was ever in danger... Thanx for keeping the record straight! ✌️🌊🤍❤️
his personality disorder screws up his reactions to everything. he’s not normal no matter what happens to or near him. check out dr bandy lee on youtube. she’s a psychologist that’s been writing and talking about him for years. we are witnessing his implosion.
No doubt in my mind! At least it stopped all the "get rid of Biden" talk!😉✌️💙
More to the point from Trump's view, this gets rid of the Epstein files and Project 2025 and makes him a hero and potential martyr. We need to keep beating him over the head with Epstein and Project 2025. Tell the MAGAs that once Trump's in office after the first 6 months, they'll know they have to watch what they say, to whom, and look over their shoulders to see if anyone is following him. Make them scared to death of him.
Don't even think those words!! Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are going to WIN AGAIN! We, the Women will make sure of it!😉✌️💙
There's some crazy f****** women out there who want men to control their every move and just cuz it's not happening right now because of the Constitution that'll be over if Trump gets in. They plan to get rid of divorce
Here's my take on the current atmosphere which gets worse and worse as the days go by. We have one candidate who can do nothing but tell scurrilous lies and smears, we have a supreme court (sic) in which all 6 "conservative justices" must be bounced, not just Thomas and Alito, we have Circuit Courts that are every bit as bad as Cannon and the supremes (sic), we have a majority of states run by the GOP so if another vote is too tight to prove Biden won, we have multiple layers of top actors who stand ready, willing and able to turn the election over to Trump/Vance and seal our fate.
Yes, an indefinite number of evangelicals are so bollixed up in their hatred of the gay, the trans, the feminist and the poor who have, indeed, decided that God has chosen Trump as their Jesus. I live among them. In cases such as this, we pursue the leaders of our 3 federal and state branches of government and beat them to death with Project 2025 and Epstein and some of those now disaffected will at least refuse to vote for Trump. What we aim for are the Independents and Republicans who somehow rise above their primary goal of getting another tax cut every year.
There's no reason not to go after the scared evangelicals and try to deprogram them. Go ahead. I have no qualms about that. But that's not my specialty. In my book, we go after the hyenas running that party in each of the branches, all the federal and state governments. Cut off the heads and get rid of them. Beat them to death with their own malice they've mistakenly bragged about and now try to play nice as if they mean that. They don't mean that. That's just another ruse to fool the fools.
I'm sorry you're having to endure all this red tape. At your age , you should be able to relax . Take care 💙🌊🇺🇸
People who go to church live in different degrees of hallucination
If you are implying this happened because of Joe, you are delusional
No, Kris10 meant, it stops the incessant talk of Joe needs to go, he's too old. The focus is all on T now, 24/7. Exactly what he wants!
TY Minnie! I did mean thank goodness people are NOT calling on Joe to drop out!! THAT would be the worst thing to do!
YW, other ppl might not have understood what you meant either. I felt the same way as many of my friends did, phew, stopping of insistent #dropoutJoe rhetoric!
Ok, gotcha:-)
The old bait and switch.
No way! I love Joe Biden! He saved this country now we need to do the same! Help him win by a LANDSLIDE so there is no question! 4 mo' Joe!✌️💙
Me too!!!
Us three and four!
Or the talk regarding Project 2025 and the newest findings on the Epstein files. # js
Or the talk regarding Project 2025 and the newest findings on the Epstein files. # js
I’ve been around shooters (law enforcement officers) for over 50 years, we all wondered about the possibility of a bullet the size & possible caliber hitting the area where it did.
That’s what I wondered about.
It was glass it wasn’t a bullet. Anyways no one shoots 150 yds and misses by a mm…
I wondered myself. But to me the more important question is why did God need to save a guy so he could play golf the next day?
Mike drop! Bam!
i hate trump, but when i looked into the alleged golf photo, it was from a year or two prior, and he did not play golf the day after the shooting. see this for how misinformation gets spread. we need to be better about this, i know it’s hard and time consuming, but we have to check facts when they seem odd, or AMAZING. https://www.snopes.com/news/2024/07/17/trump-golf-assassination/
Absolutely. I gave up on God a long time ago when trump started his first campaign.
A tempting theory as always when things get too tricky to understand. And what was spoken during his meeting with Orban just days ago? I can see how such iconic photo just seems too staged to be believed especially when the victim golfs the next day. It would surely have helped if he would have been examined by an independent medical team.
Trump would never allow an independent team to examine him. He doesn’t want anybody outside of his tight circle to know anything that could betray him.
looking at him on the screen right now at the convention, he looks tranquilized.. His face has never been so relaxed, in complete repose, have never seen him like this
in the last eight years. He has a natural and very calm smile, he is not acting like he always does on stage. He looks tranquilized.
He seems off. He doesn’t want to be there. He doesn’t want to do this. He doesn’t have to now because he was only running to stay out of prison. Hey they should tell
it is not over he could still go to jail.
he could have been on meds, and also, after a traumatic event it’s normal for people to have an altered sense of themselves, of life, things can be surreal, being alive is blissful if you’ve just almost died. i was nearly hit by a freight train while in my car, unaware i was on a train track, stopped behind another car waiting at a stoplight. i was playing the radio really loud, windows up so didn’t hear the warning horn. i glanced up, saw the train bearing down, backed up, broke the crossing gate, stopped, the train roared past me. it was surreal, ,i though surely i was dead, i stopped at a local history museum just to see if the people there could see me, to see if i was alive or a ghost. the day after this event was the strangest in my life. obviously i didn’t die that day, but it was just seconds away. i was hoping trump would get a wake up call and change, but he’s mentally ill so he can’t change even when almost killed. he is unfit for office.
They usually give him stimulants. Here they were trying to tone him down.
clearly, we can see that
completely agree with this comment, he looks totally tranquilized. Falling asleep at the convention every night, I took pictures from the TV. He was not His usual bombastic Accusatory self. And right, he never ever let anyone see his medical records because he’s hiding things. He has lots to hide and I think they’re hiding some thing about this “attack” on him.
Not trying to spread any misguided information. I truly don’t have any information other than what we all saw but it instantly didn’t make sense how casually trump, the crowd and even the security people seemed to be reacting.. I guess I can understand, in a moment of confusion and trauma you might ask about your shoes ( why did he have his shoes off) but the secret service, there were lots of them, if there’s a shooter, maybe more than one, don’t you force him off the stage, keep him low… rush the audience off to safety.. people just lingered then wandered off! How did they know the damage had passed? Why would they just assume that? It’s just odd behavior
Yup. We’ve seen enough mass shooting to wonder why no one moved. Are they that dumb? Many people
Stayed standing. Makes no sense.
Shouldn’t we have heard from a doctor?
Moreover, Lumpy45 showing us photos of his booboo’ dear in all its injurious glory? That is his style but it’s all mum and hell.
Weeks passed and after 8 days, his ear shows no sign of injury, bruising, redness etc. I’m thinking he getting hit was the accident of the staging. The one dead, 3 injured were the ‘broke eggs’ used to make this rancid omelette. It’s not like Lumpy45 cares if anyone dies for his benefit.
It’s sure seems interesting that he didn’t get the bump in points after or after the RNC.
He’s mostly hit his ceiling.
But we won’t know until November how high the blue wave will creat over Lumps. I just know his daily behavior adds inches each time he is crude and dotarded.
Trump doesn’t let his doctors speak.
One would think.
If we’re worried that no one will be talking about P25 we can try to affect that phenomenon. This is why everyone with a public platform to the masses must keep circulating (the now rebranded) DONALD TRUMP’S PROJECT 2025, so it is associated with him and it doesn’t get buried. We mustn’t become them, but we can throw the gloves off, use their playbook to change the narrative out there and make sure we keep talking about it. If you had one last chance to do something to save Democracy what would you do? Do whatever you can to get the word out!
Cuz he had to focus on breaking the blood pack that he had tucked in the MAGA hat. It’s why he did let the MAGA hat go! Didn’t want to drop it and anyone not MAGA find the Hollywood blood pack in the seam of the hat.
ohhh, interesting take!
Late to the party but immediately I thought of his relationship to Hulk Hogan which we know is a talented wrestler with 4 decades of convincing a crowd that he is bleeding.
I think you have something there
Yup. Thats how it went.
it seems an awful lot of people think this was a set up. I wouldn’t put it past him. The reactions of everyone around him shows that it wasn’t a complete shock and surprise to anyone. Well, those people at the Democratic convention wearing a clause patch on their ear will feel like fools when it comes out that Trump engineered the whole thing.
You mean Republican convention and I doubt they have or will have shame. After all they are two general election votes in on this creep. They are fully invested!
YES!!! thank you for correcting my terrible typo – of course the Republican convention dammit sorry about that. How could I do that?