Weird scenes from Trump's Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden.
Idiocracy was a documentary.
That's Trump's "lawyer." Thoughts?
Even 8 years later, Hillary still lives rent-free in their deranged MAGA heads.
MAGA Nazi demonizes Democrats with typical fascist propaganda and says: "She is some sick bastard, that Hillary Clinton. What a sick son of a bitch. The whole fucking party. A bunch of degenerates. Lowlives, Jew-haters, and lowlives. Every one of 'em. Every one of 'em."
Racist speaker at Trump’s Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden says: “There’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.”
CNN analyst says: “As a Latina raised in Puerto Rico, I found this deeply offensive. There are hundreds of thousands of Puerto Rican voters in Pennsylvania. The racist speakers Trump had at his rally show Americans the stark contrast. Kamala Harris is focused on the future. Donald Trump is completely unfit.”
Racist tells more racist jokes: “And these Latinos, they love making babies too. Just know that. They do. They do. There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside. Just like they did to our country.”
So edgy!
Rudy Giuliani demonizes Palestinian refugees as terrorists and says “Trump is on the side of Israel!”
A lot of Americans have no fucking clue what the Israel-Palestine conflict is about. The Palestinians are the victims of old-fashioned European colonialism, and have been since the conflict began.
Here’s an old video of President Truman discussing the difficulties of kicking 6 million Palestinians out of Palestine and replacing them with 6 million Jews from Europe.
Yes, that video is real. It’s from the Truman Presidential video library.
If Lincoln was alive today, he’d be a Democrat.
If Hitler was alive today, he’d be a Republican.
Fascists use lies as a weapon, to demonize their political opponents and incite hate and violence.
That’s why this MAGA Nazi is screaming: “She is the devil! She is the Antichrist!”
This isn’t the first time right-wing Americans sided with a fascist dictator against American democracy.
In 1939, American “patriots” sided with Hitler against America. History repeats itself.
Hillary Clinton compares Trump’s rally to a 1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden.
Unhinged screaming. Typical Nazi propaganda.
All night long, every speaker falsely accused Democrats of trying to kill Trump.
Here’s Nazi propaganda minister Stephen Goebbels chanting the same words each of the speakers chanted: “They tried to bankrupt him! They tried to imprison him! They tried to kill him!”
He’s blatantly lying. Each of the “assassination attempts” was a Trump supporter, not a Democrat.
Fascists use lies as a weapon, to demonize their opponents and incite hate and violence.
Stephen Goebbels says “America is for Americans and Americans only!”
That’s typical Nazi propaganda.
This is an educational video from the 1940s, to teach Americans how to recognize Nazi propaganda.
Listen to the speaker. He sounds just like Orange Hitler or his propaganda minister Stephen Goebbels.
Now compare all this toxic, hateful MAGA Nazi propaganda to Kamala’s message.
This is what a real leader sounds like.
The GOP will demur that the Nazi references are our Democratic imagination. McConnell/Johnson will trot out telling us we are demeaning Trump by calling him a fascist. BTW he is.
Lindsey Graham said he didn’t believe Kamala Harris was a fascist, but he thought she was incompetent. Really?
There was no reason to have a rally at Madison Square Garden other than evoking the 1939 Nazi Rally. Trump will never win NY state. They know he’s a fraud. There are other large venues to have a rally that would have attracted media attention.
This is what it appears to be: A Nazi rally.
I think this was a wonderful rally. No, not because I agree with any of it (my opinion is that there was a floating island of garbage in Manhattan the other day, though fortunately it has dispersed).
It was wonderful because they just put that out there for everyone -- including every voter -- to see. Their world, of cis straight Christian white men (and the women and POC grifters willing to support them) is even now a small minority of Americans. What's more there are plenty of cis straight Christian white men find their claims of supremacy off-putting (think Tim Walz). Which makes them a itsy bitsy part of the electorate which openly hates every other part of the electorate.
Good work, MAGA! You are ensuring your defeat. You are making it easy for me to argue the point with the not-quite-red-pilled that the Republicans today are no better than Nazis.
Work now. Vote and get everyone to vote! Keep going til the last polls close. We will rally in the streets, less choreographed -- but far more freely, openly, and lovingly -- when the forces of democracy defeats the forces of autocracy.