Jon Stewart tells Biden: "Hunter isn't the only one who needs a break. We all need a break."
We're all someone's son or daughter.
Stop acting like Biden pardoning Hunter is detrimental to the Democrats' moral standing.
Nobody gives a shit about Democratic morals in Trumpistan.
MAGA Nazis have projected their own crimes on Democrats for years. Trump stands for peak corruption.
Having morals is a disadvantage in 2024.
I agree. I’m happy Biden pardoned his son. The evil MAGA wind bags have some nerve with their outrage. And how dare they criticize Biden for lying. That’s rich. Real rich.
Be strong, President Biden.
You don't owe Republicans or these fucking capitulating "news" media giants any explanation.
Give them the finger and say the Republicans are ripping our democracy to shreds and getting away with it, so fuck any whining they want to do.
They are WRONG!
They are LIARS!
They are FASCISTS!
Any power you can use to fuck with them and help people who want to KEEP our democracy and country going is great and should be celebrated.